Roo phelps biography

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    # Heartbreak in the Okanagan

    11 Weeks: The Real-Time Chronicling of a Breakup.

    Roo phelps biography

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  • A True Story
    by Roo Phelps

    Independently Published (Amazon Digital Services), 
    $ /

    Reviewed by Myshara Herbert-McMyn with Ginny Ratsoy


    A fourth-generation Canadian broadcaster with family roots in Winnipeg, Vancouver, and Courtenay, Roo Phelps has self-published her memoir 11 Weeks: The Real-Time Chronicling of a Breakup.

    A lifelong radio personality, she is now hosting The Roo Phelps radio show on EZ Rock Kelowna.

    How and where to situate this book? Taking the definitions in the Canadian Encyclopedia as my guide, I would fit this book into two categories: memoir and journal.

    Memoirs “view events in retrospect and are often written with publication in mind,” but journals, “seldom written with publication in mind,” nonetheless provide invaluable insight into the lives of real people. 11 Weeks is a real-time account of events from the author’s perspective while still containing qualitie