Isadora duncan biographical timeline information
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Isadora Duncan
Who Was Isadora Duncan?
Isadora Duncan developed an approach to dance that emphasized naturalistic movement.
Isadora duncan biographical timeline information
She was a hit in Europe as a performer to classical music and opened schools that integrated dance with other types of learning. She later faced immense tragedy with the death of her children and spouse's suicide.
With accounts varying, Isadora Angela Duncan was born circa May 26, 1877 (the date on her baptismal certificate; some sources say May 27, 1878), in San Francisco, California.
Her parents divorced when Duncan was an infant, and she was raised by her mother, Dora, a piano teacher with a great appreciation for the arts. At the age of 6, Duncan began to teach movement to little children in her neighborhood; word spread, and by the time she was 10, her classes had become quite large.
She requested to leave public school so that she, along with older sister Elizabeth, could earn income from teaching. Duncan subsequently receiv